Sunday, February 24, 2019


Discovering Martial Arts

 Before we go to introducing our topic for today. This blog would just contain the every detail you would need to know about martial arts. So our topic for today would be the origins of Martial Arts and to introduce to you various types of martial arts. On how and why it is founded by the people from the past. I have passion for Martial Arts because I myself is an Martial Artist training in in Wushu Sanda. I love Martial Arts like how I am inspired of an idol of mine Bruce Lee. Because ones you learn about Martial Arts you would say that " Knowing is not enough, we must apply and willing is not enough we must do".

Martial Arts Origin

There had been controversy through out the history of mankind on the origins of human combative systems. My few years of training and studying martial arts had led me to ask many questions and suspicions of what is fact and what is myth. One of my coaches taught me that the origin of martial arts have been invented in one particular country, by one particular man. Then the arts went over to China, and then it spread to Japan and the world. I took it for what it is. I can even say this off the top of my head, but deep down inside me, that the history I have been taught is vague and has at least half fact and half myth. 

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We need question in order to understand our own roots. That's why there are some theories created by some people in order to fully understand the origin of martial arts

Theories Created

1)      The Martial Arts originated in India by Da-Mo 
2)      Martial Arts originated in East Asia, particularly China
3)      All Civilizations developed their own system of combative systems
4)      The origins of Martial Arts originated in the Middle Eastern Kingdoms
5)      The Martial Arts started in Greece (the art of Wrestling, Boxing and Pankration)
6)      The Martial Arts originated in Africa
These theories shows that the indigenous fighting system developed from all civilizations, then these fighting disciplines have its roots where mankind began. Meaning where our ancestors had history of fighting in combat and it developed making its way in the present that happened to be a discipline.

Introducing the Martial Arts Discipline

There are many types and styles of martial arts that are practiced throughout the world today. Some of the more well-known types of martial arts include tae kwon-do, karate, and kung fu, and are practiced by its discipline. Here is a list of definitions for different types of martial arts that will help you learn the differences for each one.

Senkotiros Arnis 
Senkotiros Arnis is unique when compared to many forms of the Philippine martial arts in that it is taught and practiced to be a free-formed style of martial arts. In its purest form, the movements, counters and techniques are based on some very simple rules and concepts. These rules and concepts are the building blocks of our style, rather than the patterned or repetitious techniques taught in many other styles.  This is the main martial arts style taugh
t at Pallens.

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Aikido is a Japanese martial art that utilizes throwing, joint-locking, striking and pinning techniques, coupled with weapon training. It was founded by Morihei Ueshiba early in the twentieth century and is described as an intense physical and spiritual training to perfect human character and develop true wisdom.

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Hapkido is known as the “anti-martial art” and is a Korean martial art similar to Aikido that uses joint locks and throws, but adds strong kicking techniques. It is often included in many tae kwon-do schools, focusing on deflecting an opponent’s attacks instead of forceful blocking. For this reason, Hapkido is popular among law enforcement agents and private security professionals throughout the world.

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Judo is a Japanese martial art that is mainly throws and takedowns. It is very similar to modern wrestling. Joint locks and chokes are also used for submission.

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Jiu Jitsu
Jiu Jitsu is sometimes known as the “gentle art” and was designed to defend against armored opponents in early Japan. It uses joint locks, pinning, throws and takedown to subdue it opponents.

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Karate, which translates to “open hand”, is considered a “hard” style of martial art from Japan. It uses strong punching, kicking and takedowns to attack and defend against opponents.

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Krav Maga
Krav Maga is an Israeli form of self-defense. It uses strikes, throws and joint locks as its main repertoire.

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Kung Fu
Kung-FuKung-Fu is a Chinese martial art and considered a “soft” art. It uses circular movements to deflect attacks and has less emphasis on kicking and punching. Some use kung fu as a form of physical exercise, while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness.

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Muay Thai
Muay Thai originated in Thailand. It employs strong kicking and punching but also emphasizes the use of elbows and knees. It is sometimes known as kickboxing.

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Tai Chi 
(Tai Chi Chuan)Tai Chi is the softest of the martial arts. Once a true form of self-defense using deflection and locking techniques, it has become a favorite form of exercise for young and old alike to improve overall physical health. Tai Chi is not often thought of as a martial art, but rather a therapeutic activity that incorporates movement and breathing.

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(Mixed Martial Arts)MMA is a sport that combines different martial arts for competitive purposes.

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(also Kempo)Kenpo is a Japanese art with strong roots in Chinese arts. It employs many of the same techniques as other martial arts but was made most popular by American Ed Parker. Kenpo has many variations within its practitioners.

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Kickboxing was most popular during the 70’s and 80’s as a sport. Characterized by good boxing skills with kicking added to intensify the sport, kickboxing is practiced for general fitness, contact sport and self-defense in today’s world.

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Tae Kwon-Do
Tae Kwon-Do hails from Korea and is the most practiced martial art in the world. Tae kwon-do literally translates to “foot-fist-way”. It was formalized in the 50’s and recognized as having the strongest kicking and punching techniques, coupled with takedowns, joint locks and strong hand to hand applications.

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That's it for today folks stay tune for more information about discovering martial arts. Next topic would be explaining every martial arts discipline and explaining its techniques. 
Image result for bye gif cool

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 1 v 1 ngarod tayo sa edsa ah. kahit 1 hour lang



Discovering Martial Arts  Before we go to introducing our topic for today. This blog would just contain the every detail you would n...